Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life Hear or is it Life

I believe we chose to come to this earth to experience life here. I wonder if it is really life or if it is all we remember for the time being. Life, I believe is bigger than here and we chose not to bring those memories with us or we would not stay. We all have experiences here some of them are wonderful and some are horrifying. The goods ones are always about love aren't they. The horrible ones are just what they are. It's what you do with these experiences that defines who you are what you take with you when you leave this world and what you leave behind in this world that matters. If you stay in a horrible experience it owns you. You will be it's captive until you heal from it and can set it free. It is like a cancer of your soul it spreads and goes on. If God gave us the freedom to chose experiences when we came here wouldn't we also be able to heal from those experiences while we are still here. What if we chose to heal and let it go away from us would it stay here and die? I believe it would, it would go no further. It would have to die because it is no longer a part of you, you will not pass this down to the next generation because it is no longer what you are, or what you have been shown. You will have learned something different, something beautiful it is love and it begins with you. If you can love who you are, you can forgive and you can heal. Enlightenment comes from acknowledgement and understanding, this I believe will end abuse. Imagine if all of us that were abused were now enlightened, how long do you suppose abuse could last without us? Do you want to help those children that are abused? Then heal yourself first, it starts with you and then they will heal and life here will change. I have heard that when you stand for change in your generation it takes seven more generations before you see the results that you created. Stand with me lets stop child abuse together.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Do you have the courage to heal from your abuse. It starts with you. The change you want to see. Abuse grows with each generation and until we heal we cannot stop the cycle. If we heal through forgiveness we can give our abuser back the wrong they did. We can change the future for the next generation, we can stand together to stop child rape, stop child abuse. If our abusers had to carry the hurt they gave to us would they hurt again? Give it back to them, own it no longer. Be the person you want the world to see, be the person you want to be and love. Be the change take your stand and heal from abuse. Together we can change our world.